wedding videographer chinese tea ceremony dress

Dream luxury wedding of Paulina and Peter with Tea Ceremony at Villa Cora, Florence


I was working on the wedding film editing of Paulina and Peter, a nice, elegant and stilish couple from New York, who will be ready in a few weeks (so stay tuned!). I could not stop looking at those magnificent images of the bride dressed in the traditional Chinese dress for the tea ceremony, during the pre-wedding. The colors of the dress, the warm light that came through the windows, the beauty of Villa Cora in Florence. A magical atmosphere. A dream wedding, elegant in every single detail and these two guys of a breathtaking beauty. I had already filmed several tea ceremonies, but this time the bride chose the traditional Chinese dress, something out of this world definitely! Filming it was a great emotion and through the lens I was seeing images that recall me memories of an ancient and exotic world. Surely one of most beautiful destination wedding that I’ve ever filmed, I’m sure the final result will be astonishing.
Thanks also to all the Italian team that worked in this wedding, from the wedding planner, to the florists and the photographer; every single person has worked together to get the best!

WP: Sandra Santoro – gettingmarriedinitaly®

PH: David Bastianoni


Here are some screenshots from the wedding raw footage!



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